(Scholastic, Hardcover)

Emerson Watts has always been a tomboy. She'd rather stay at home and play video games with her best friend than go with her sister to see some silly model at the new SoHo Stark Megastore. But Em has to babysit her sister, which means tagging along to the mall. Then disaster strikes and after a bizarre body switch-a-roo, Em's life is suddenly all about fashion and the next hot party.
I love Meg Cabot and to quote Trashionista, one of my favorite book review sites, she is absolutely barking mad. But I mean this in the nicest, best, please write another book about Em Watts, kind of way. Em Watts is like me, except I don't play video games. Em Watts is nothing like Nikki Howard, America's top teen model. So when I read that Em's brain is implanted in Nikki's body after a horrible accident, I said Really? Is that possible? Yes, Meg Cabot did her research and this has happened with monkeys. So we're talking about technology that is out there. Anyway, let's forget about the crazy sci-fi plot for a second. Airhead is seriously readable. I couldn't stop. Em is a likable character (hey, she even has my name!). And her predicament is scary, exciting, and believable. It is the first book in Meg's new series so several plot details are left open. There's a little bit of mystery, such as why Em can't tell the world that she now has Nikki's body. There's a little bit of friendship because Nikki's clueless friends are the only people that believe her crazy body-swapping story. And there's a little bit of love because Em is completely in love with her best friend Christopher but has never told him. Yes, Meg Cabot is a genius and Airhead is a great book even if you're not into body-swapping (which, um, most of us probably aren't).
For more fun, read Meg's Diary. She posts often and it's random and full of laughs.
It really is a great book isn't it? I'm so excited for the rest of the series because Airhead left off with such a cliff hanger. :D Great review!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like an interesting book. Will add it to my list of to-be-read books!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I love your header! Very chic.
I've already read/reviewed Bloom, but thanks for the recommendation anyways!
ReplyDeleteI wish the next book were already out, because this was just the start of the story, and I have a lot of concerns/questions about the entire arrangement.
ReplyDeleteI can't recall if you've read/reviewed THE ADORATION OF JENNA FOX yet... If not, DO.
Great review! I can't wait to read the book.
ReplyDeleteI have this sitting on my bookshelf, but I haven't totally finished it yet. Can't wait until I can. [:
Hey! I have a fan website about Meg Cabot and her books in my language (czech)... I haven´t read Airhead yet... But after reading your review - I definitely want to! :D I was just wondering whether I could translate your review to my language and post it on my website (with link to your site of course).
ReplyDeleteI will understand it, if you reply with "no", but I had to ask... O:-) My e-mail is Meg-Cabot-Books@seznam.cz - please reply on this e-mail...
P.S.: My english is grammaticaly not correct - I hope it´s intelligible...
omg. I loved it. read it all in one day =D don't really like the ending though. such a cliffie ! ><
ReplyDeleteyeah, it was definitely a cliffhanger. Hopefully, the next book in the series comes out soon. I have a feeling it will be better than AIRHEAD because this one had a lot of background info and sort of layed out the over-arching plot and characters of the series.
ReplyDeleteI read the whole thing in a day too...good thing I had a fever, I could lay in bed all day!! God, the ending was such a cliffie!! I really want to read the next one in the series!!
ReplyDeletewhen is the next book coming out and what is it called?
ReplyDeleteThe next book is called Being Nikki and it's coming out in May 2009. I can't wait to read it! :)
ReplyDeletei luv it i read airhead and being nikki they are both wonderful being nikki is also such a cliffe wiht brandon kidnapiing em (nikki)