Monday, January 12, 2009

My Pity Party Was Ally Carter!

So I was having a royally awful day yesterday.  For one, I couldn't participate in In My Mailbox because I didn't get a single book in the mail last week.  I was so psyched because I was finally going to participate (having finally remembered about it...), and then I realized that I got nada, zip, zero books.  Secondly, I hurt my knee playing soccer.  Nothing serious but I did have to ice it and it still hurts a little when I walk.  So, I was all ready to feel sorry for myself for the rest of the evening.

Then, I picked up Don't Judge a Girl By Her Cover by Ally Carter.  I got an ARC awhile back and I had put it aside for a rainy day.  And the book was soooooo good that I couldn't stay in a bad mood.  Within 5 minutes, I was laughing and smiling and excitedly reading about Cammie and her amazing spy school.  I'll post a more complete review later this week.  All I have to say now is, gosh darn, Ally Carter, you ruined my pity party!  :)  

In the meantime, I'll leave you with Miss Erin's review of Don't Judge a Girl By Her Cover and this ugly picture of my bruised knee, which looks like Bex has been practicing the Axley Manuever on it.


  1. Awh I hope you feel better! I really want to go to that spy school. I really look forward to reading this one.

  2. Ew that looks like it hurts! I have 3 younger sisters and all of them played or are playing soccer. They had all kinds of bruises like that....ouch! Hope it gets better quick.

  3. Sorry about the knee. Glad you found something to get you out of the funk, though.

  4. It makes me so happy when you are happy, but what HAPPENED to your knee?

  5. Ouch! Looks like you need some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream for that.

  6. That's such a cool bruise though. It makes you look tough too. If I saw someone with a bruise like that I'd run the other way. (I actually love getting bruises during soccer because I'm really weird like that.)

  7. I am sorry about your knee . . . it looks like it hurts! Hope it gets better fast!

  8. That sounds cool. I really want to read that series. I hope your knee feels better.

    **you are amazingly tan. Lucky. Up North, it's FREEZING cold (no, really, the high is supossed to be 0 tomorrow!)

    Feel better way soon!
    -Emily Jane

  9. Hahaha this made me smile :) (Am compiling for YA Connection now, quite a bit of grunt work!) Don't much care for this series, but still, *smiles*


  10. Weeell.... you should get a book in the mail next week because you just requested one of my books off bookmooch! Yay!

  11. Thanks for all the comments! Still no books in my mailbox but my knee is feeling better. :)


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